Last week, we celebrated the birth of four sets of Twin lambs and Four single lambs. They are all healthy and are enjoying life in our barn. There are two Ram lambs (males) and ten Ewe lambs (females). Our lambs are full blooded Polypays. Three of these babies have...
The games have begun. Our new crop of Lambs are arriving. The first baby showed up several days ago. He has a very sweet face so I named him “Sweetie”. Bob thinks that is a terrible name for a Ram lamb. However, I like it and it suits him. One of our Mama...
Country Wisdom for Easter Sunday – “A lot can happen In Three Days.”
We could start our lambing season any day now. The barn area has been made into “jugs” . This is where we will put each Ewe and her new lambs. Each “jug” has fresh straw on the floor, new hay in the feeders, and a nice big bucket of water....
Dallas is my friend, companion, and guardian. He loves me, Bentley, and the cat. He likes Bob too. All the other Pyrs live out side with the live stock. They patrol day and night. Dallas is my “House Pyr”. He has great manners and has never made a mess....
Even though, I still need my ear muffs and a jacket, we are biking again. Minnesota has some of the best bike trails in the U. S, and we make good use of them. We can talk and collect wild herbs and flowers along the trails. Last fall, before the winter snowed us in,...
For over ten years, we have been using a Berkey Water Filter. We would not be without it. When the electricity goes off, we have good, pure, water always available. The Berkey runs on gravity, not electricity. I believe we are approaching turbulent times in our...
The world looks pretty bad out there. I am aware of that. I am not ignorant or uninformed. However, I choose to focus on the “good stuff” that is still here. In the Bible, the book of Ecclesiastes, tells us that “He has made everything beautiful in...
Today, Bob is giving the sheep their shots, worming them, and cutting their toe nails. These are prevention procedures. It is easier to prevent disease than it is to treat it. Sheep are no exception to this. Our teen age helper is assisting with all of this. The hard...
For the last week, I have been getting ready for “Garden 2017”. Getting everything cleaned up and put in place takes almost as long as it does to plant. The Hoop House green house has been a storage area all winter. Things have been stacked up in there to...