The games have begun. Our new crop of Lambs are arriving. The first baby showed up several days ago. He has a very sweet face so I named him “Sweetie”. Bob thinks that is a terrible name for a Ram lamb. However, I like it and it suits him. One of our Mama sheep looks like she may have triplets or even quads. She is as wide as she is tall. The multiple births are common to the Polypay sheep. There is usually not a problem. Sometimes, I have to bottle feed several of the smaller lambs. There are baby bottles and a huge sack of Lamb Milk Re-placer sitting in the corner of the kitchen. It is ready if needed.

Several years ago, we had a tiny lambs whose Mom did not want her. It was cold in the barn so Bob arrived in the kitchen carrying the wet baby. I ran for the heating pad and old towels. We put her in an old dog kennel and kept her inside for several weeks. I bottle fed her, held her on my lap, and named her “Buttercup”. Here’s the story of “Buttercup” on our sheep page at Milk and Honey Farm Farm. I wrote her story for Country Living magazine. She had fans from all over the country.

I am on “lamb watch” today. I check the barn every few hours. There is a gentle rain coming down and the air smells of spring. I will name the next baby “Rain”.