For the last week, I have been getting ready for “Garden 2017”. Getting everything cleaned up and put in place takes almost as long as it does to plant. The Hoop House  green house has been a storage area all winter. Things have been stacked up in there to put away “later”. Now is “Later”. I think the cat has been using the green house for a bath room.  Ugh! That detail will involve in taking out the floor and starting over. Sweeping and scrubbing and hauling are not my favorite things to do. However, one of my very favorite things is to move the plants that have been growing in the basement under grow light to the green house. That is fun!

The big garden (10,000 square feet) needs cleaning up. Dead plants, from last year, need to be pulled up, areas need to be raked and new nursery fabric needs to be put in place.  The Pedestal Raised Beds require hoeing. They are the first areas that I plant.  All that is the next step after the Green house clean up.

The general plan is to get ready this week, move plants to the green house in April, and plant the big garden and Pedestals in May. Bob will help with the hauling and doing the heavy work. I will be organizing, putting things in place, and taking care of all the plants.

Yesterday, was so beautiful. Warm and bright with sunshine. I was able to work outside all day.  I move slower this year, but I am moving. My back continues to heal and I am grateful to the One who heals.