We could start our lambing season any day now. The barn area has been made into “jugs” . This is where we will put each Ewe and her new lambs. Each “jug” has fresh straw on the floor, new hay in the feeders, and a nice big bucket of water.
Today, I am getting my “Vet Kit” ready. It contains all the items I will need for a successful birthing. We have been shepherds for over twenty years and have learned how to do stuff. It really helps if we get everything ready ahead of time. Having several of the Mama Ewes giving birth at the same time can get crazy if we are not prepared.
My “Vet Kit” contains everything that I will need. There is Sheep Drench, Iodine, Peroxide, Blu Kote, Mineral Oil, Dawn dish water soap, surgical gloves, scissors, thermometer, empty Jar, stomach tube, old towels and plastic bags. It makes for a peaceful birthing if I do not forget anything.
We raise Polypay sheep. They usually have twins or triplets. Most of the time, the Ewes do it all by themselves. Sometimes, I need to help. I pray and I do what is necessary. There is something very special about sitting on a pile of straw and holding a new born lamb.