About Us

As Boomers and Beyond people, we have lived a long time. We have skills and know how to do stuff. Our lifestyle is the “frontier of the future”.  Some would call Milk and Honey Farm a hobby Farm. Others would say we are Homesteaders. This is not a hobby – it is how we live by choice. We are not homesteaders although we live in the country and raise most of our own food. We use technology as a tool to help things work. We keep animals that add to our food supply – sheep, chickens, geese, and ducks. We keep bees. We keep Great Pyrenees guardian dogs to make sure there are no predators on our place. We live a bio-sustainable lifestyle. We have been on Milk and Honey Farm since 1995. It works for us.

We were born and raised in big cities. Bob traveled the world in the US Air Force. He retired in 1990 after twenty-years of serving. We did not have rural knowledge or experience or background. It is our decision to learn how to live this way. We believe in what we are doing. We are at a time in our lives that many people do not attempt new things. Many think they are “too old”. The purpose of my Blog, Boomers and Beyond Life,  is to leave  foot prints for other folks to follow. We share what we know works. We share basic how to information. It is our legacy for all those who will come after us. Welcome to our world.

Use our contact form for information on how to schedule us as speakers for your group.