The Song of Spring in the Country

The Song of Spring in the Country

The cheeping of baby chicks is the song of Spring.  We picked up our baby chicks and ducklings at the post office. They were shipped from Cackle Hatchery. Now, they are next to the wood stove in the basement. There is a heat lamp hanging over their box. There is fresh...
Diapers — Garden Trivia

Diapers — Garden Trivia

Hanging flower baskets will soon be hanging from my back porch. I am filling them with new soil and Diapers. I line the bottom of the basket with a clean disposable diaper, add the soil, and plant my flowers. The diaper holds moisture inside the basket and as a...
Wool Comforters

Wool Comforters

Our sheep are born here at Milk and Honey Farm. They grow up here, protected by our Great Pyrenees guardian dogs. Once a year, in the spring, a sheep shearer comes to our farm. Bob helps him and I take pictures of them shearing the sheep.  This year we took the wool...
Poultry Project Update

Poultry Project Update

The chicks have been living with baby ducks in the box in the basement. They get along all right but the ducks splash around in the water dish and the chicks get wet. Both chicks and duck babies are messy and scatter their dry feed all over their box. The dry feed...
The Cat Came Back

The Cat Came Back

The cat came back this morning. He had been gone for over three weeks. I was thinking that he had lost in a fight with a huge coyote. He is  thin and rumpled. I was really glad to see him. He is a good cat and does all cat things well. I fed him an egg on top of some...
Good Dogs Good Dogs Good Dogs!

Good Dogs Good Dogs Good Dogs!

Not to be outdone by last weeks kill by our front yard Great Pyrenees guardians, Two of our sheep and barn guards took care of business by dispatching a huge racoon.  They kept it out of the barn and far away from my poultry and stored grain . Good Dogs!   The racoon...
Let the Games Begin

Let the Games Begin

Spring means Spring cleaning. It is something that I do not rush into. It takes a while to get me started.  Items are stuffed into the back of closets . Outside things are stacked up in the green house. The air conditioners are in the storage room as well as the porch...
Living Theme

Living Theme

My theme for the new Boomers and Beyond.Life Blog says it all. “All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small. All things wise and wonderful, the good Lord made them all.” by Cecil Frances Alexander This describes perfectly the life I...